Mama Bloggers

Mama Bloggers

Mama Blogs

Who doesn't love a good mama blog... I swear by them, especially if you are a new mum navigating the parenting journey!

A good mama blogger can provide useful tips on how to cope with your new baby, you can compare birthing stories, find out what the best products are for your baby (well at least the tried and tested), you can keep up to date with current baby trends, and when you are pulling your hair out cause baby won't settle, you can look through their blogs and find out that its actually completely normal, and is probably either a sleep issue, teething or a leap (refer to the wonder weeks app).

Our favourite mama blogger, and mama to one of the cutest toddlers around, Alaska Luxe is @misskyreeloves - head over to her insta profile or check out her website - she has loads of discounts on all of her recommended products including Bubba Chew!

Teething Jewellery

Yours in teething and parenting!

Renee and the BC team xx


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