Check out our new eco friendly packaging!

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Check out our new eco friendly packaging!

We've teamed up with Award winning Brand, Sinchies reusable pouches to create an environmentally friendly packaging alternative. 

Sinchies reusable, eco- friendly, BPA free, plastic pouches now have a dual use. Not only will you receive your order using these pouches to house your Bubba Chew jewel or teether, but you can now keep these pouches and use them for storing snacks, lefts over dinners, crackers, frozen fruit for smoothies or use them as a wet bag! Featuring thick durable plastic and a ziplock seal, they are strong and sturdy & moisture resistant. 

Bubba Chew business owner Renee was keen to make sure that the business always had the customer and environment top of mind "I know packaging is important, but i wanted something that was environmentally friendly, and that didn't add to landfill.  Our new packaging can be used over and over again. We use our Sinchies pouches everyday for day care lunches and snacks, they really are so handy". 

Bubba Chew and Sinchies are excited to partner together on this environmental initiative. Not only is it good for the environment today, but reducing our environmental impact will be mean better quality of life for future generations. 

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